Harga? RM1.80 per piece.Minimum order is 25 pcs, plus postage RM10.Hand carry lagi tau, jgn risau takkan pecah melainkan korg gi gatal2 tangan gi lambung2 kotak tu memang dah namenye takde keroje cari keroje lah tu hehehe.Quite a real deal!Boleh diposkan ke seluruh Malaysia.Kata Cikmin, pos hari ini, esok boleh sampai.And true to words also..kalau tak silap aku, sampai ke Sabah Sarawak pun boleh pos!Guaranteed arrive in good condition, tgk je lah gmbr ni yeh?(ulang tayang)...
Food Talk
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tsumacarons:CikMin Macaron - Love at the first bite!
Harga? RM1.80 per piece.Minimum order is 25 pcs, plus postage RM10.Hand carry lagi tau, jgn risau takkan pecah melainkan korg gi gatal2 tangan gi lambung2 kotak tu memang dah namenye takde keroje cari keroje lah tu hehehe.Quite a real deal!Boleh diposkan ke seluruh Malaysia.Kata Cikmin, pos hari ini, esok boleh sampai.And true to words also..kalau tak silap aku, sampai ke Sabah Sarawak pun boleh pos!Guaranteed arrive in good condition, tgk je lah gmbr ni yeh?(ulang tayang)...
Monday, February 21, 2011
My red velvet cake (2nd try)

Resepi di sini: Red Velvet Cake.Utk frosting, aku gantikan whipping cream dgn Natural/Plain flavour yogurt....so frosting dia rasa tangy /masam2 sket..yang dulu tu rasa maness...
Friday, February 18, 2011
What is red velvet cake?
A Red velvet cake is a cake with a dark red, bright red or red-brown color. It is usually prepared as a layer cake with either a vanilla or chocolate flavor, topped with a creamy white icing. Common ingredients are buttermilk, butter, flour, cocoa, and beetroot or red food coloring[1](beetroot is traditionally used). The amount of cocoa used varies in different recipes. Cream cheese frosting is most commonly paired with the cake, as well as buttercream.
From Joy Of Baking website:
A Red Velvet Cake is very dramatic looking with its bright red color that is offset by a creamy white frosting. There are many theories as to its origin. Some say it comes from the South, others say it originated in the North. All we really know is that it has been a favorite for decades, not only in the States but also in Canada (it used to be sold in Eaton's Department Stores). It is really a Devil's Food Cake that has red food coloring added to it. John Mariani tells us in his book "The Dictionary of American Food and Drink" that the name 'Devil's Food Cake' is so called "because it is supposedly so rich and delicious that it must, to a moralist, be somewhat sinful."

Oh my Red Velvet Cake!
Terima kasih kepada Cik Min atas tips2 utk RV ni dan juga resepi aku guna resepi Nadiaejat di myresipi.com.

Bahan-bahan ( 1 biji )
Kek (Sila guna penyukat khas)- 2 1/2 cup tepung kek
- 1 sudu kecil serbuk penaik diayak
- 2 sudu besar serbuk koko tanpa pemanis (biasanya guna van houten)
- 2 oz pewarna merah (kalau xtau sukat dlm oz, campurkan dengan serbuk koko sampai boleh jadi pes pun cukup)
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1 1/2 cup gula
- 2 biji telur pada suhu bilik
- 1 sudu kecil ekstrak vanila/ 2 sudu kecil esen vanila
- 1 cup buttermilk pada suhu bilik. kalau xdpt beli kat kedai, resipinye ade di bawah
- 1 sudu kecil cuka putih
- 1 sudu kecil sodium bikarbonat/baking soda
- 1 cup (240 ml) susu kotak full cream
- sama ada 1 3/4 sbesar cream of tartar atau 1 sbesar cuka putih atau 1 sbesar jus lemon
- 2 buku cream cheese, dilembutkan
- 1/2 cup butter dilembutkan
- 1 sudu kecil ekstrak vanila/ 2 sudu kecil esen vanila
- 2 cup gila icing, diayak. kalau xsuke manis boleh kurangkan gula tp saya guna 2 1/2 cup
- BUTTERMILK: campurkan tartar atau cuka atau jus lemon pada susu dan biarkan selama 15 minit. Kacau rata sebelum guna. Ataupun campurkan 3/4 cup plain yoghurt bersama 1/4 cup susu pun boleh jugak. Ikut mane yang sesuai.
- KEK: sapukan butter pada 2 loyang bulat bersaiz 9 inci ataupun 3 loyang bulat bersaiz 8 inci. Panaskan oven pada suhu 170 darjah celsius.
- Ayakkan bersama tepung kek dan serbuk penaik di dalam satu bekas sederhana. Di dalam satu bekas kecil, gaulkan serbuk koko dengan pewarna merah sehingga menjadi pes yang tidak berketul.
- Dalam satu bekas besar, pukul butter dengan gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu per satu, kemudian masukan esen vanila dan pes koko merah tadi. Ratakan campuran dengan spatula sambil memukul. Perlahankan mixer, masukkan 1/3 daripada tepung dan pukul rata, kemudian masukkan 1/2 daripada buttermilk, pukul rata lagi. Masukkan 1/3 lagi tepung,pukul dan semua buttermilk,pukul dan kemudian kesemua tepung yang tinggal.
- Campurkan cuka dengan baking soda dalam satu bekas kecil. Nanti die berbuih. Cepat2 campurkan dalam adunan kek dan gaul kemudian masukkan dalam loyang dan bakar.
- Bakar pada suhu 170 darjah celsius selama 25-30 minit. Kek ni moist, so kene cek awal. Bile cucuk dengan lidi je dah bersih, keluarkan dari oven.
- Sejukkan kek selama 10 minit sebelum keluarkan dari loyang. Pastikan kek dah betul2 sejuk sebelum letak frosting.
- CREAM CHEESE FROSTING: Pukul butter dengan cream cheese sampai halus, perlahankan mixer dan tambahkan gula icing dan esen vanila.
- Untuk letak frosting, terbalikkan kek pertama supaya bahagian kek yang rata di atas, sapu frosting di bahagian rata kek,lagi tebal lagi sedap. kemudian letakkan kek yang kedua atas kek tadi, bahagian yang rata menghadap bawah. kemudian sapu frosting di seluruh kek.
- Kek ni sedap kalau dah masuk dalam peti sejuk lepas tu keluarkan sekejap bagi die xkeras, baru makan.
Actually masa frosting, disarankan kek dan frosting disejukkan dlm fridge semalaman, esoknye baru lah kita belah kek tu into layers then lepakan frosting.Tapi aku degil..walaupun CikMin dah ckp,esok2 buleh sambung, aku siapkan gak mlm tadi.Bila potong tiga kek, tu, ade lah bersepai sikit!Padan muke aku!Gigih melepa frosting walaupun dah dekat kul 1 pagi hua hua hua!Kuatnye penangan Red Velvet Cake ni...gara2 tgk gambar kat blog CikMin gak hehehehehe...
Dan jikalau nak tgk rupa red velvet yang cantik dan betul2 senonoh,leh tgk kat:Pinch my salt....kat blog CikMin,dan sini:Irma di London. Cantik nye..jeles aku...
Monday, February 14, 2011
Nafsu serakah(jangan baca kalau tak tahan!hehehe..)
Sepatah dua kata utk CikMin, marvellous!Dan kalaulah red velvet cake tu boleh dipos, harus aku order maaaa!hehehehe nafsu serakah nak makan benda2 manis..tapi jgn fikir aku mengidam pulak..tak ..tak!
Macarons VS Macaroons: What is Macaroons?

The English word macaroon and French macaron come from the Italian maccarone or maccherone. This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaning crush or beat, used here in reference to the almond paste which is the principal ingredient.
Most recipes call for egg whites (usually whipped to stiff peaks), with ground or powdered nuts, generally almond or coconut. Almost all call for sugar. Macaroons are commonly baked on edible rice paper placed on a baking tray.
Cubaan Kedua....
Lemon ini props semata2...perah dlm budu sedapp wooooo!!
Macarons VS. Macaroons:What is macarons?
From Wikipedia:A macaron (French pronunciation: [makaˈʁɔ̃])[1][2] is a sweet confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food coloring. The macaron is commonly filled with buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies. Its name is derived from an Italian word "maccarone" or "maccherone". This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaning crush or beat, used here in reference to the almond paste which is the principal ingredient.[3] It is meringue-based: made from a mixture of egg whites, almond flour, and both granulated and confectionery sugar.
The confectionery is characterized by its smooth, domed top, ruffled circumference (referred to as the "foot"), flat base, mildly moist and easily melted into mouths.[4]
Macarons can be found in a wide variety of flavors that range from the traditional (raspberry, chocolate) to the new (truffle, green matcha tea). The fillings can range from jams, ganache, or buttercream. Since the English word macaroon can also refer to the Coconut macaroon, many have adopted the French spelling of macaron to distinguish the two items in the English language. However, this has caused confusion over the correct spelling of the cookie/biscuit. Some recipes exclude the use of macaroon to refer to this French confection while others think that they are synonyms.[5]
A macaron (French pronunciation: [makaˈʁɔ̃]) is a sweet confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food coloring. The macaron is commonly filled with buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies. Its name is derived from an Italian word "maccarone" or "maccherone". This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaning crush or beat, used here in reference to the almond paste which is the principal ingredient.It is meringue-based: made from a mixture of egg whites, almond flour, and both granulated and confectionery sugar.
The confectionery is characterized by its smooth, domed top, ruffled circumference (referred to as the "foot"), flat base, mildly moist and easily melted into mouths.
Macarons can be found in a wide variety of flavors that range from the traditional (raspberry, chocolate) to the new (truffle, green matcha tea). The fillings can range from jams, ganache, or buttercream. Since the English word macaroon can also refer to the Coconut macaroon, many have adopted the French spelling of macaron to distinguish the two items in the English language. However, this has caused confusion over the correct spelling of the cookie/biscuit. Some recipes exclude the use of macaroon to refer to this French confection while others think that they are synonyms.
Kat mana nak beli macarons?Macarons are easily found if you are in Kuala Lumpur Area.Anyway I will update kat mana nak beli ( siap boleh dipos ke pintu rumah lagik, on the next entry!)