Sebenarnye aku pernah buat kedua2 versi kek batik(noncooked & cooked) sejak sekolah menengah dulu.Tapi manalah ade blog dulu2 kan...so gmbr yang dolu2 pun tak ade ler..nanti aku try buat balik versi yang noncooked ye...versi non cooked dibuat tanpa menggunakan telur.Terus gaul bahan2 dan masuk loyang, padatkan dan masuk fridge.Dikatakan kek batik ni diciplak dari Hedgehog slice..ciplak pun ciplak lah..janji sedap !hehehe....
Resepi kali ini diambil dari blog Wendy.malas nak translate, aku copy paste je ye?
So, here are the ingredients
1 pack 250gm Marie biscuits (I got mini maries, u can use regular maries)
1 pack 200gm Milo , or u can use any malted chocolate drink like Ovaltine or Vico
1 can 397gm Sweetended Condensed Milk
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
150gm butter, about 2/3 cup
What I did was,
1. Prepare one 7 inch square pan. Fully lined with non stick baking paper. Make sure the paper is much higher than the pan.
2. Lightly beat eggs. Put in Milo, and condensed milk and whisk until well combined.
3. Pour egg mixture into a non stick pot/pan , put in butter. On medium low heat, cook while stirring all the while until mixture starts to thickens. Reduce to low heat.
4. When the egg custard is cooked, it looks grainy and thick. Remove from heat.
5. Spread one layer of custard into the pan. Arrange marie biscuits onto custard.
6. Repeat step 5 until all biscuits or custard are used up. A thin layer of custard is enough for the interlayers.
7. When the layering is all done, fold in the high collars of the paper. Press down and compact the cake with ur hands.
8. Chill in fridge overnight before cutting.
Kalau nak tengok step by step, gi ke blog Wendy, suka tgk step by step yang dia listkan at her blog...